

Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway

(Kevin S. Tenney, USA, 1993)


Witchboard 2 is a small-scale, mildly diverting horror-thriller.

It's a haunted-apartment story, in which new dweller Ami Dolenz quickly succumbs to the lure of the Ouija witchboard left by a deceased former tenant with a highly enigmatic history.

Beyond the predictable round of séance, nightmare and possession scenes, writer-director Kevin S. Tenney (who made the original Witchboard in 1985) adds an intriguing soap sub-plot about Dolenz having to choose between the various men in her life.

I advise staying through the dreary bits until the finale, which has some commendable and kinky twists.

© Adrian Martin December 1993

Film Critic: Adrian Martin
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