

Pet Sematary II

(Mary Lambert, USA, 1992)


Although the credits omit all reference to horror maestro Stephen King, Pet Sematary II is basically content to recycle the key elements of the 1989 original – a small town with a creepy cemetery, ghastly resurrection of dead animals and humans, black humour and heavy metal music.

Crisply directed by Mary Lambert (Siesta, 1987), this sequel is angled more towards a teen audience with its central focus on a boy (Edward Furlong), his best friend and a troublesome school bully. (Lambert was later to find her undervalued niche in teen-melo-telemovies.)

The film delivers ably within its strict generic contract. Viewers of a psychoanalytic bent will want to sort out the story's insistent association of the boy's dead actress mother (electrocuted on set in the first scene) with a particularly large and vicious white dog.

MORE Lambert: Face of Evil

© Adrian Martin July 1993

Film Critic: Adrian Martin
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