


(Volker Schlöndorff, Germany/France/Greece, 1991)


Volker Schlöndorff's pompous Voyager joins the cycle of early '90s adaptations of the classic existential novels of a previous era – Naked Lunch (1991), The Sheltering Sky (1990), Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989).

This version of Max Frisch's Homo Faber comes over like a museum piece, with Sam Shepard playing one of those global wanderers far too absorbed in the grim state of his soul to worry about trivialities like work and money.

One can hardly say anything about the film's plot without giving away its supposed dark secret but, like Vincent Ward's Map of the Human Heart (1993), it aspires to Grand Myth and Greek Tragedy.

Alongside the sullen Shepard, Julie Delpy pouts, weeps and finally dissipates, a wispy projection of a tired and trite male fantasy.

MORE Schlöndorff: The Tin Drum

© Adrian Martin November 1993

Film Critic: Adrian Martin
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