

The Keys to the House

(Le Chiavi di casa, Gianni Amelio, Italy, 2004)


Gianni Amelio is a director well known and admired for his ability to convincingly dramatise social problems in films including Open Doors (1990) and Lamerica (1994). With Amelio, we never feel that a personal story is being sacrificed for a political point, or vice versa.

His latest, The Keys to the House, seemingly withdraws from overtly political subject matter. However, it speaks volumes about society's attitudes to those who are in some way disadvantaged or underprivileged.

The story concerns Gianni (Kim Rossi Stuart), a man who re-enters the life of his physically and mentally disabled son, Paulo (Andrea Rossi). We witness both the joys and difficulties of this encounter.

Amelio is a subtle director whose attitude towards what he presents is conveyed just as much by what he leaves out as what he puts in. Again and again, the film finds just the right touch or tone that avoids sentimentality and tasteless manipulation of the audience.

By eschewing melodrama and often circumventing our expectations, Amelio ends up crafting an honest and very moving tale.

© Adrian Martin October 2005

Film Critic: Adrian Martin
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